birdy : - thanks thanks ^^ .. owed u another meal haha ..
ken : - tat one ha .. it was taken while the second time i went to saloon to ask the hair stylish cut again .. 1st time i asked him to cut to boyish hair style kan.. he adviced me to cut mcm tu d (the 4th pic, which means he refused to cut my long long hair to boyish hair style n jus cut halfly haha) .. then i BU GAN YAN (coz not enough short, i wan extremely short) n went to ask him to cut a reli boyish one .. it's taken while waiting him haha... then finally he helped me to cut like the 3rd pic (the 3rd pic is longer le ... while fresh fresh cut the time lagi short waha~)^^v
khai : - semakin fat then semakin less nice clothes to wear le T.T
no ah... stil so leng ^^
your 4th photo,
long curly hair..
so liang moi...
脸大不是好事咩?meaning好吃好睡好住. 几够幸福下的 哈哈
birdy : - thanks thanks ^^ .. owed u another meal haha ..
ken : - tat one ha .. it was taken while the second time i went to saloon to ask the hair stylish cut again .. 1st time i asked him to cut to boyish hair style kan.. he adviced me to cut mcm tu d (the 4th pic, which means he refused to cut my long long hair to boyish hair style n jus cut halfly haha) .. then i BU GAN YAN (coz not enough short, i wan extremely short) n went to ask him to cut a reli boyish one .. it's taken while waiting him haha... then finally he helped me to cut like the 3rd pic (the 3rd pic is longer le ... while fresh fresh cut the time lagi short waha~)^^v
khai : - semakin fat then semakin less nice clothes to wear le T.T
You're so pretty and nice~
Nice to meet you~ I'm vnky@vivi
谢谢你哦 vivi ^.^..nice to meet you too ...
haha fatty...:p
你们两个。。。 @_@
you're welcome..^^ pretty girl~
"美"字 @.@ ...呢位兄台.. +.+..
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