Tuesday, July 15, 2008


也许大家都没有搞错, 只是无动于衷而已.

我已试着放松, 凡事就算有疑点也让它过了就算. 但我害怕这样一来就可能会更复杂更糟糕了. 我害怕到了最后, 我如此这般的放松, 在别人眼里看起来会是放纵. 我不想这样.

我到底应该要怎么做, 才可以让大家在最好过的情况之下...跟着事实走呢? @.@ 而其实, 也许这样的事态, 本来就已经是一个正常的故事发展? ... 我快晕了 T.T

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you mayb right, or mayb wrong.
but it's ok coz atleast u got try to find our where's ur problem.
juz slow down a bit if u not so sure how to do. you may find the answer later on.