Monday, September 3, 2007


今天公司有人升职. 看着他们, 我在想我自己是否会有这样的机会.

其实说实话, 我当然希望自己能够步步高升, 平步青云. 但其实我上司有一句话说得很对, 爬得越高, 不是说你能够站稳就是好事, 当中还有很多的压力呀~ 是非呀~ 责任呀~ 之类的, 而且个人风险就也跟着变大了, 也许还参差了很多的个人名誉与形象态度问题.

成龙成凤, 高薪厚职当然是好事, 但若过程中或是上任后有太多的牺牲, 也许...这样的好事就不适合我了. 有时侯我在想, 我是不是真的那么希望能够爬到高峰, 享受高高在上的名与利?

对 !! 我很想, 但我有自己的另一套想法. 我不想做一个只能让人来利用我的智慧去赚取利润的人, 我想要的是, 我能提升到聪慧地应用我的能力去得到我想要的收获.

还有最重要的是, 我想减轻工作量, 但又同时让收入陆续增高. 我应该从何着手? +.+


Herman said...

If you work for others forever or work for money, you never can achieve financial freedom.
What you need is money working for you.
Robert Kiyosaki - Author of the Best Selling Book "Rich Dad Poor Dad, and Cash Flow Quadrant" said - You are only wealthy when you can maintain your desired standard of living without physically working!

What you need is a pipeline of passive income. I am the one who is committed to work together with you towards your financial freedom path.
Refer my web site:-

Herman said...

Once your pipeline of PASSIVE INCOME has been built, the USD comes into your bank account will never stop whenever you are sleeping, shopping and even travelling.

Good luck and have a nice day!!!

汪洋中的瓶女 said...

其实在我的心目中, 打工一向都不应该是"赚钱"的主要工具. 打工得来的钱在我的字典里的工程式一向都是 -- 劳力/智力 + 精神 + 时间 = 薪金. 又或者这么说吧, 我这任性不羁的个性, 怎么看, 也不适合职场吧~